Sunday, December 29, 2019
U.s. Department Of Homeland Security - 1668 Words
1. Purpose Among one of the missions of The U.S. Department of Homeland Security is to protect and preserve the security of the Cyberspace in the country. The principal objective of this Security Plan is to give instructions and direction for the Department’s workers and help the Homeland Security to create best practices and strategies in the IT security system. 2. Scope This policy needs to be applied to all users, employees, contractors, suppliers and to all IT resources such as e-mails, files, data, messages and documents controlled or administered by The Department of Homeland Security. 3. Policy Intention The Department of Homeland IT security policy must be uniform, stable, consistent, efficient, effective and compatible with best practices Information Security in the Department. It is the purpose of this security policy to create and implement the best security plans, strategies, and practices throughout the Department. Also, it is the intention of this policy to create safe and secure Cyberspace. 4. Protecting Cyberspace Building secure and safe cyberspace and Communications system in the country is the top priority of the department. In its kind the Cybersecurity Framework of the Department is the most comprehensive and efficient one. The Department of Homeland Security performing the following activities to secure the cyberspace efficiently: ïÆ' ¼ Checking and assessing organizations capacity of cyber-attacks defensive mechanisms and potentials. ïÆ' ¼ EvaluateShow MoreRelatedU.s. Department Of Homeland Security Essay778 Words  | 4 PagesThe U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) issued a proposed rule, on December 30, 2015, entitled Retention of EB1, EB2, and EB3 Immigrant Workers and Program Improvements Affecting High-Skilled Nonimmigrant Workers. Included in the proposed rule is the long-awaited provision for the ability to obtain an employment authorization document (EAD) based on an approved form I-140, employer petition. Unfortunately, eligibility for this immigration benefit under the proposal is highly restrictiveRead MoreU.s. Department Of Homeland Security758 Words  | 4 PagesOn March 31, 2016, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) started a nationwide campaign to warn against the dangers faced by the U.S. utilities against the cyberattacks. According to DHS, there were an estimated 331 hacks or physical attacks against the U.S. power grid from 2 011 to 2014. As of February 2016, they are occurring at a rate of once every 4 days. â€Å"A major cyberattack on the U.S. electric grid could cause over $1 trillion in economicRead MoreU.s. Department Of Homeland Security1261 Words  | 6 Pagesand therefore must also prepare to minimize the damage and recover from attacks that do occur. As September 11 showed and proved to us that we are not where we are supposed to be, the aftermath showed us how vulnerable we were. The Department of Homeland Security has made tremendous improvement since then to ensure the preparedness of our nation’s emergency response professionals, provide the federal government’s response, aid America’s recovery from terrorist attacks and natural disasters andRead MoreU.s. Department Of Homeland Security Essay1796 Words  | 8 Pagespower to decide whom to investigate, arrest, detain, charge, and prosecute. The Agencies may develop discretionary policies specific to the laws the y are charged with enforcing, the population they serve, and the problem they face. The U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) may decide how to prioritize its resources in order to meet its stated enforcement goals that are set by the President. With executive unilateral powers the president, drafts policies without and sometimes over the objection ofRead MoreU.s. Federal Department Of Homeland Security1245 Words  | 5 PagesThe idea of the establishment of the Department of Homeland Security evolved into the biggest U.S. government reorganization in American history. Prior to the establishment of the Department, Americans increasingly became concerned about terrorism on our soil. This concern was triggered by the World Trade Center bombing in 1993, the Oklahoma City bombing in 1995 as well as the discovery of a bomb at the Atlanta Olympics in 1994. Additionally, it became more apparent to the Americans that terrorismRead MoreU.s. Department Of Homeland Security Programs An d Practices1868 Words  | 8 Pagesbeen asked; given the amount of money spent on homeland security programs and practices, how should the United States measure the effectiveness of this spending? This question has been answered time and time again by the different agencies that fall underneath the department of Homeland Security. Since the creation of this department, in the shadow of the 9-11 attacks by the Al Qaida terrorist group in the United States, The Department of Homeland Security has stopped numerous attacks from occurringRead MoreThe Department Of Homeland Security1602 Words  | 7 PagesThe Department of Homeland Security The Department of Homeland Security is an agency made up of 22 different federal agencies which were combined in an effort to streamline the United States effectiveness in defending our nation. The core mission of the Department of Homeland Security include prevent terrorism and enhancing security, secure and manage our borders, enforce and administer our immigration laws, safeguard and secure cyberspace, ensure resilience to disasters (Department of Homeland SecurityRead MoreHomeland Security1085 Words  | 5 Pagesï » ¿ AMERICAN MILITARY UNIVERSITY HOMELAND SECUIRTY Brittany Staley HLSS302: Paper #2 May 11, 2014 In the years since 9/11, homeland security has turn out to be frequently and generally identified as both a word and as a Federal department. However, a large amount has been learned since 9/11 concerning the array of further challenges we face. Hurricane Katrina strongly illustrates the general impact of weak preparedness andRead MoreHomeland Security And Homeland Defense1321 Words  | 6 Pagesin its security. The result of the tragic events was the establishment of homeland security. The White House, the federal government and the Congress joined together to establish it. On September 20, 2001, President George W. Bush issued an executive order 13228 to establish an Office of Homeland Security within the White House and assigning the Governor of Pennsylvania, Tom Ridge as its Director (Bullock, Haddow, Coppola, 2013, p. 4). Ever since, the United States (U.S.) Department of HomelandRead MoreHomeland Security And Homeland Defense1390 Words  | 6 Pages Many people think homeland security and homeland defense are the same thing, but that is incorrect. Both have played a role in keeping America safe, but after 9/11 that role expanded greatly. The U.S. was determined to prevent another catastrophic attack from unfolding while searching the globe for those responsible. In a world constantly evolving, our enemies and their tactics evolve with it. To effectively combat the incredible amount of threats America faces, many federal entities and mission
Friday, December 20, 2019
Stages And Processes Of Human Prenatal Development Essay
Stages and Processes of Human Prenatal Development INTRODUCTION The purpose of this article is to highlight the biological processes that drive embryonic development. It will be mainly focused on stages of prenatal development at the semi-cellular level that result in visible advances in the embryo’s development as it matures into a fetus and eventually is born. However, these biological processes are not flawless; in some cases, infections, risk factors present in the environment outside of the uterus, or genetic diseases can pose harm by altering how developmental processes proceed or even result in lethality to the fetus. Genetic diseases and illnesses of high concern will thus be discussed in greater detail, as will proposals to prevent or lower the risk of these events from affecting development. PRENATAL STAGES OF DEVELOPMENT Development of the embryo into a fetus throughout pregnancy consists of three main periods of development, made up of several weeks of development between each one; these are referred to commonly and by medical professionals as the first, second, and third trimesters of pregnancy. Following conception, the embryonic stage of prenatal development begins through the fifth week of pregnancy in which major structures begin to form. At this stage, the cells of the body begin to differentiate into cells that are specialized in unique functions such as blood, kidney, and nerve cells for their corresponding organ systems (Hill, 2016). According to SacksShow MoreRelatedPrenatal Development : A Fragile Phase Of Fetal Development1558 Words  | 7 PagesPrenatal development is a very fragile phase of fetal development that can be affect by environmental factors and maternal factors. Prenatal development is the process in which a human fetus develops during pregnancy. The development of a new life is an exciting time for most people and this essay will discuss the process in which that new life is created. It will also discuss the things that could be harmful to the development of that new life during its prenatal development term such as environmentalRead MoreWhat Is Meant By Plasticity On The Context Of Neural Development And Briefly Describe How It Occurs As A Lifelong Essay1219 Words  | 5 PagesSOWK 506 Quiz 1 Part 1: Explain what is meant by plasticity in the context of neural development and briefly describe how it occurs as a lifelong process. The term plasticity is commonly defined as â€Å"the quality of being easily shaped or molded.†But when this term is used in the context of neural development, one may refer to this as brain plasticity and/or neuroplasticity, which means that the brain has the ability to change over a lifespan. Changes in one’s brain can occur by gaining knowledgeRead MorePregnancies And Development Of A Fetus1574 Words  | 7 PagesStarting from the beginning every single human being on the planet Earth started out as a sperm and egg. During conception, the sperm fertilizes the egg and you develop into what scientists refer to as a zygote. Through research scientist have been able to determine when implantation is futile, the first two weeks of a zygotes life is uncertain and as many as 30% zygotes don’t survive. Every week of a pregnancy is important to the growth and development of a baby. Have you ever thought about whenRead MoreCurrent Perspectives Of Psychology And H uman Development Essay1634 Words  | 7 PagesIndividual Development Narrative discusses various factors relating to theories of lifespan development from birth through to my adolescent stage. This includes looking at the understanding and major theoretical perspectives of psychology and human development, its process and the influences of domains on human development across the lifespan and how they interrelate. The domains of development including Physical, Cognitive, Emotional and Socio-cultural /or moral. Also some of the human lifespan stagesRead MoreFreud s Theory Of Psychosocial Development1437 Words  | 6 Pagesis crucial for understanding human development. There are many different perspectives on the lifespan and the lifespan has been broken down in many different ways. A variety of scholars and theorists have proposed unique perspectives on lifespan. Sigmund Freud’s theory of psychosocial development considered five lifespan stages; oral, anal, phallic, lat ency, and genital (Rathus, 2014). Erik Erikson expanded Freud’s theory with a psychosocial perspective on development and considered the lifespanRead MoreA Critique Of Ehrlich, David E, And Donald G Rainnie1681 Words  | 7 Pagescritique of â€Å"Ehrlich, David E, and Donald G Rainnie. Prenatal Stress Alters The Development Of Socioemotional Behavior And Amygdala Neuron Excitability In Rats . 1.0 Background The research is discussing the effects of prenatal stress (PS) on the development of socioemotional symptoms as well as neurodevelopmental disorders. The study arises from existing literatures where a significant relationship has been established between prenatal stress and social deficits such as autism and attention-deficitRead MoreDevelopment Across the Lifespan: Adulthood970 Words  | 4 PagesDevelopment Across the Lifespan: Read MorePsychology: Questions on Cognitive Development1557 Words  | 7 Pages__A__ 1. Th e briefest period of prenatal development is the: a. germinal stage b. embryonic stage c. fetal stage d. baby-making stage _C___ 2. Motor development involves the acquisition of: a. sensory abilities including hearing and taste b. reflexive movements and abilities c. the muscular control necessary for coordinated movement d. language and speech patterns necessary for communication _A___ 3. Piaget called the incorporation of new objects into existing knowledge: a. assimilation Read MoreDifferences Between Nutrition Supply And Foetus1719 Words  | 7 PagesThis article focus on the normal variations in the placental developmental process to the differences in nutrition supply to foetus, which fixes a few key systems, relates to developing diseases in later life. Certain variations in placentation processes, influence the nutrient delivery to foetus and develops a range of chronic disorders in the adult. However, further studies need to link the placental process to placental morphology at birth, and the nutrient flow, timing which causes disease inRead MorePreventing Harmful Agents From Hurting The Child866 Words  | 4 PagesGestation is one of the most fascinating processes the human body can perform. Starting from the combining of a sperm and an egg, in 44 short weeks, a baby is formed. There are many instances in which fetal development may go wrong but fortunately, there are also many mechanisms to prevent harmful agents from hurt ing the child. The first trimester is when a majority of the major organs are formed. In the third month of pregnancy, the fetus already has a working nervous system, an immature muscular
Thursday, December 12, 2019
Harry lindsol textbook case free essay sample
1. Describe the competing business models of traditional textbooks and etextbooks. How do the customer value propositions of the two textbook formats compare? How are the profit formulas of paper textbooks and etextbooks different? The business model of a traditional textbook noticed that they needed growth to keep up in the competing market so traditional textbook companies began to innovate from just a traditional textbook to now having add on to the books such as platforms. Textbook companies were faced with not only other traditional textbook companies but also etextbook companies, rentals, and students selling there books. The organizations have to continue to make sure that customer value propositions are met or they will begin to lose revenue. The business model of an etextbook begins with the demand for technology. Publishers began to realize that many college students are moving towards more electronic sources for convenience. Many publishers are now trying to get professors to move with the new trend of etextbooks. Especially since it save them much more money to produce the product. The customer value proposition of the traditional textbook format are that traditional textbooks are valued more amongst students. Many students valued that with a traditional textbook they have ability to highlight and take notes in the margins of the book. Students also like that idea that they could sell their books back to the bookstore at the end of the semester and or purchase other used textbooks for a much cheaper price. Students also valued that they did not need the Internet and a computer to access their textbooks and also that these textbooks where available in their library. The customer value proposition of an etextbook format are also greatly valued amongst customers. Many customers valued that the price for an etextbook was less expensive. Customers value the convenience of being able to have their textbook or books on there everyday electronic devices. Customer of etextbooks no longer had to drive to a bookstore and search through shelves to find a book that wasn’t available, or cost too much, or was not really appealing. The profit formulas of paper textbooks and etextbooks are very different. The profit formula of a paper textbook is that publishers sell there traditional textbooks to students at a high cost than the actual cost price, So therefor a profit is made, publishers market there textbooks to professors so that the students will buy the book for the class. With an etextbook publishers set there own fix cost for their book. Etextbooks make there profit by making it that each students has to purchase there own etextbook. Although publishers don’t make as much with etextbook they make their profit by updating the etextbooks very often so that students will have to buy the updated version with the most current events. The etextbooks are sold at a lower cost than a traditional textbook because of the resources that do not have to be used. 2. How do textbook platforms that include online tutorials affect the customer value proposition of textbooks? Does the addition of such online materials affect the profit formula for a textbook? Explain. The textbook platforms that include online tutorials affect the customer value proposition of textbooks because customers are willing to pay for the extra for additional material to help them understand the subject. The value of the textbook will increase, this will give the customer a feeling that the have received there money worth from the platforms. The addition of the online material does affect the profit formula of a textbook because it would increase revenue because the customer will soon demand this additional material for help. 3. What is competition like in the textbook industry? Which of the five competitive forces seems strongest? Which of the five forces is weakest? The competition in a textbook industry is very competitive from every aspect. According to Porters five forces model of competition, the five competitive forces are threats of new entrants, Rivalry against existing firms, Determinates of supply power, Determinates of buyer power, Threats of substitute products. There is competition amongst Mcgraw-hill and Pearson and other big companies to make a profit and stay in business, there is competition with new entrants in both textbook and etextbook companies, There is also a competition of innovation and which company will meet its target audience’s demand. Also competition of substitute products such as rent textbooks, used textbook and etextbook that almost over shadowed the traditional textbook companies business. Of the five forces of competition I believe that the competitive pressures associated among rival sellers in the industry is the strongest. I do not believe that of the five forces there is a weak one. 4. What factors are driving change in the textbook industry? What is your assessment of the impact of these driving forces of change? The factors that are driving change the textbook industry are the amount of technology that is used amongst students today such as ipads, kindles and laptops and the demand for online textbooks for convenience. Another driving change in the addition to textbook industry is the platform such as the McGraw-Hill Connect and the Learn Smart. My assessment of the impact of these driving forces of change is that the textbook company should innovate and move towards more electronic textbooks because as technology becomes more prevalent many people will begin to demand for the ebooks witch will drive the traditional textbook companies out of business. 5. What are the key factors of success in the textbook industry? List and discuss the resources and competitive capabilities are required to achieve success in the industry? The key factors of success in the textbook industry are to maximize your profit. Many textbook companies find their selves not making there profit because many students are able to buy a book full price and sell it back to the book store and the money is not generating back to the actual company. Textbook companies have to be wiling to innovate and follow the trends. Companies such as McGraw-Hill and Pearson have added platforms to their books and added etextbooks to stay current with the technology trend. Another key factor is to take the textbook company international so that your textbook company is not just here in the states but all over the world. Also a key factor is the cost of the books itself, many college students and international students are not able to afford these book so you should be aware of the price and if students do purchase an expensive book they like to feel that it was worth the purchase. 6. What competitive advantage or disadvantage might an eBooks only textbook publisher have relative to McGraw-Hill, Pearson, and other large international publishers? The competitive disadvantage is that an etextbook only textbook publisher have relative to McGraw-Hill, Pearson and other large international publishers is that the publishers will not make as much of a profit as the publishers that do both traditional textbooks and etextbooks. The publisher of an etextbook only generate no more than 70 percent of there selling price and then has to take the earnings and distribute it amongst different departments such as editing, layout and marketing. Therefore of the earnings the publishers make they only receive 25 % of that 70 % earning. Publishers realized that the actual profits they were making where less than a hardcopy version of the book. 7. What are your recommendations to Professor Lindsol concerning his interest in launching a new venture specializing in etextbooks? My Recommendations to Professor Lindsol about his interest in launching a new venture specializing in etextbooks is that he should first focus on the target market of college students. Although, The demand for etextbooks of college students is not at an all time high. I believe that it will soon be because many of the textbook companies are beginning to move towards electronic book which has raised there revenue and cut down cost of the resources needed for a traditional textbook. Also technology is very big amongst college students so it would be a matter for time before many professors will recommend the etextbooks for there class. I also recommend that lindsol watch out for big competitors such as companies like McGraw-hill and Pearson who have already entered the market of electronic textbooks and are textbook only companies. It will be great to enter the market now since you have seen there marketing strategy on what to do and no to do in the extextbook business.
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