Thursday, January 30, 2020
Diploma in Health Essay Example for Free
Diploma in Health Essay There are many different roles within the working environment. This being so, there are many different working relationships, however subtle the difference. When working with another Nursing Assistant there seems to be an immediate understanding of what is required. Although the routine my differ from ward to ward, the tasks largely remain the same and are performed with relative fluidity. When working with a Staff Nurse on something outside of my training, they will take the lead and instruct me in the task. The same can be said for when assisting doctors, physiotherapists and all other professionals. Each has their own role and it is important that they work within the scope of that role, as performing duties not within your skills is breaking with policies and procedures. It is equally as important to be accessible to those who cannot perform certain duties beyond their own remit. Before going to work (I work mainly night shifts) I dress according to the Dress Code, with washed and ironed uniform, sensible enclosed shoes, nothing below the elbows which follows the Hand Hygiene Policy, ID and name badges present. On arrival I gel my hands, put my belongings in the cloakroom and wash my hands before entering the staff room. Before handover we are read the CUBAN which relates to staffing and patient levels, patients with dementia and/or having special needs or one to one care and falls risks. In handover we learn about what has happened during the previous shift, any changes in condition of patients and about new patients needs. All the information is confidential and so the Confidentiality Policy needs to be adhered to. We are all issued with a handover sheet with these details on and I jot down and highlight any tasks that immediately concern me. E.G. Catheters/measured urine, observation times, pressure care, hourly checklists and blood sugars. We are allocated which bays we are to concentrate our efforts on and plan the best course of action, which is usually standard routine. We then load trolleys with the necessary paperwork and go from patient to patient, checking which paperwork needs replenishing and noting down what time physiological measurements etc. need doing and tidying the bed areas. We then do a hot drinks round and update the fluid and food charts as necessary. Next we help patients into bed. After gaining consent, we help them wash and get into their night clothes. If they need toiletting, the patient’s preferred way of doing so is used. The Dignity Policy is maintained at all times. If it is documented that a patient needs more than one member of staff to transfer them safely then we help each other to do so., thus sticking to Health and Safety and Manual Handling Policies. Usually at this time the trained nurses are available and are easily approachable and willing to help. After the patient is s afely and comfortably in bed, we fill in the repositioning and personal hygiene charts as per Policy. Usually, we start the observations around 22:00, reporting any NEWS score over 3 or anything untoward to the the Staff Nurse who will inform a doctor who may order an ECG, which I would perform and report straight back to him/her. This is an example of how communication and co-operation is so important to working in partnership. Any missing ‘cog’ in a machine could spell disaster, especially in the care industry. More often than not, we answer call bells of patients requiring pain relief through the night. We take the drug chart to the Staff Nurse and she will dispense it. Unfortunately we quite often need to wash and change a patient after a mishap. The correct PPE is always used and Infection Control policies are observed as are Waste Disposal policies. At around 05:30 we empty catheter bags and document output in the fluid charts. We also tidy the bed areas again. Observations, urine measurements and toiletting continue throughout the shift until handover to the day s taff.
Wednesday, January 22, 2020
Focus Groups Essay -- essays research papers
Focus Groups      Focus groups are a qualitative form of marketing research that can help a marketer assess consumer needs and feelings in a way that simple questionnaires can not. In a focus group, you bring together a small group to discuss issues and concerns about the features of a product. Participants are usually paid a fee for their time. A marketer can gain valuable information such as gaining a customer’s attitudes and determining advertising persuasiveness. The group is typically run by a moderator who maintains the group's focus. Some recent topics of interest regarding this subject are focus groups for advertising, Online focus groups, and political focus groups.      Traditional focus groups usually deal with a consumers reaction to a product, whether it be good or bad. In today’s ad-packed media, marketers need to worry about how consumers react to their advertising. Many marketers have set up focus groups to do just that: gauge how efficient an ad is, whether or not the group was interested, and if the ad and brand name can be recalled from the spot.           Companies such as Motorola have used focus groups to gauge the effectiveness of commercials. When the company chose to launch the â€Å"Wings†campaign, they were unsure of what song would be appropriate for the T.V spot. An overwhelming response from a focus group led to the use of the Rolling Stones song â€Å"You Can’t Always Get What You Want†. Marketers at Motorola raised concerns of whether or not the song was appropriate, based on the title. After a positive response from their focus group, the company ran the ad. â€Å"overwhelmingly positive focus-group response to the Rolling Stones as a transgenerational and transgeographic icon confirmed people were more interested in the emotion of the music than the lyrics.†(, Snyder)      While traditional focus groups and their face to face method of collecting data has proven to be effective, the internet has proven to be both more effective and more convenient. A traditional focus group normally consists of about 10 people, while an online group can reach thousands of participants. The DiscoverWhy group is one such group that holds online polls and focus groups for various companies. In order to test the effectiv... the information wisely can gain valuable insight to difficult problems.
Tuesday, January 14, 2020
John Donne’s Poetic Philosophy of Love
John Donne's Poetic Philosophy of Love For the enormously complex and vexed John Donne (1572-1631), the one in whom all â€Å"contraries meet,†(Holy Sonnet 18), life was loveâ€â€the love of women in his early life, then the love of his wife (Ann More), and finally the love of God. All other aspects of his experience apart from love, it seems, were just details. Love was the supreme concern of his mind, the preoccupation of his heart, the focus of his experience, and the subject of his poetry.The centrality and omnipresence of love in Donne’s life launched him on a journey of exploration and discovery. He sought to comprehend and to experience love in every respect, both theoretically and practically. As a self appointed investigator, he examined love from every conceivable angle, tested its hypotheses, experienced its joys, and embraced its sorrows. As Joan Bennett said, Donne’s poetry is â€Å"the work of one who has tasted every fruit in love’s orc hard. . . †Combining his love for love and his love for ideas, Donne became love’s philosopher/poet or poet/philosopher.In the context of his poetry, both profane and sacred, Donne presents his experience and experiments, his machinations and imaginations, about love. Some believe that Donne was indeed â€Å"an accomplished philosopher of erotic ecstasy†(Perry 2), but such a judgment seems to be too much. Louis Martz notes that â€Å"Donne’s love-poems take for their basic theme the problem of the place of love in a physical world dominated by change and death. The problem is broached in dozens of different ways, sometimes implicitly, sometimes explicitly, sometimes by asserting the immortality of love, sometimes by declaring the futility of love†.Donne was not an accomplished philosopher of eroticism per se, but rather a psychological poet who philosophized about love, sometimes playfully, sometimes seriously. The question, thus, arises as to the nature and content of Donne’s philosophy of love serendipitously expressed in his sacred and profane poetry. I will also argue that this particular philosophical perspective in Donne established the basis for the intimate connection between his profane and sacred poetry in which religious and sexual themes are closely linked and intermeshed.After briefly touching on the intellectual atmosphere in which Donne worked, I will proceed to examine the Ovidian and Petrarchan traditions in Donne’s amatory lyrics, and their respective contributions to his philosophy of love. The subject of Petrarchism was â€Å"love,†of course, emotional and spiritual love â€Å"conceived as a noble way of life, and the lover as an aristocrat of feeling†(Guss 49). Donne’s development in his profane poetry of the nobility and aristocracy of Petrarchan love was by means of these essential themes including, . . . he proem, the initiation of love [â€Å"The Good Morrow†] , the complaint against the lady’s obduracy [â€Å"Twickenham Garden†], the expression of sorrow at parting [â€Å"The Expiration†], the remonstrance against the god Love [Love’s Exchange†], the elegy on the lady’s death [â€Å"A Nocturnal upon St. Lucy’s Day, being the shortest day†], and the renunciation of love [â€Å"Farewell to Love†]. Other common themes are the lady’s eyes, her hair, her illness [â€Å"The Fever†], the dream [â€Å"The Dream†], the token [â€Å"A Jet Ring Sent†], the anniversary of love [â€Å"The Anniversary†], and the definition of love [â€Å"Negative Love†].How can a man and a woman achieve a love which is not based on rank sensuality, and yet which recognizes human physicality and ascribes a proper role and function to the body? How can a man and woman love one another with deep spiritual intensity and soulful devotion, and yet at the same time sto p short of romantic or emotional idolatry? How can both components of humanityâ€â€body and soulâ€â€be brought together into a happy synthesis to create a love that eschews the problems of Ovidian immorality and Petrarchan idolatry, but is rather ordinate and rightly ordered?The answers to these questions and the resolution of these tensions are found in Donne’s concept of idealized love generated largely under the influence of a Christian Platonism which establishes the sine qua non of his philosophy of love. It is a philosophy of love that seeks to balance the roles and establish right relations between both body and soul. Donne’s perspective is an attempt at integration, at wholeness, a striving at the reconciliation of opposing, dialectical forces.It seems that ever since the fall of humanity, life has been characterized by division and fragmentation: God vs. man, heaven vs. earth, man vs. woman, body vs. soul, action vs. contemplation, theory vs. practice, and so on. Donne seeks to heal and harmonize at least one aspect of a divided world: his view is body and soul, not body or soul. He defines and describes the component parts of love in light of the comprehensive nature of humanity. His position would seem to answer the questions and resolve the tensions created by the Ovidian and Petrarchan traditions in his love poetry.It would avoid the Ovidian problem of sexual immorality, and Petrarchan problem of romantic idolatry. Love is powerful, and it may very well abuse the body or the soul in its quest for satisfaction. But it can be rightly ordered as well. Donne’s outlook finds an appropriate place for both the body and the soul in a rightly ordered love. When coupled with his devotional poetry, the pattern indeed becomes complete, for it is in the love of God, which is the highest of all love, that human love itself finds its meaning and final reference point.If it is true that all human love has as its source and meaning in t he very love of God, then there must be a reciprocal relationship between these two forms of love, the infinite and the finite. God’s love validates human love, and human love reflects and images God’s. There is an intimate connection between love both human and divine. This would certainly be true in Donne’s Christian Platonism in which all things on earth, including human love, are a reflection of and point to things in heaven.
Monday, January 6, 2020
Why Abraham Lincoln Is the Greatest Leader - 2241 Words
Why Abraham Lincoln is the Greatest Leader! Kathleen Belger English Comp II Baker Flint February 10, 2011 There was a boy born in the dust and silence of the country side, in a little log cabin, to a modest family of uneducated hard working laborers. Life was hard, yet simple. Days were filled with hard work and a yearning to survive. The absence of ambition and education within the community ran as ramped as the hills and forests that surrounded the community where the boy grew. Yet that boy rose up out of the dust and the trees in search for something more. That boy grew up, and took America by the hand, guided it through one of them most important changes in history. Abraham Lincoln is the greatest leader the United States of†¦show more content†¦Lincoln eventually won and on May 18, 1860, Lincoln was nominated and started a run for Presidency. With a total of four candidates running for office Lincoln won the election on November 6. He received no votes from the south, but the popular votes were so widely distributed, that Lincoln won the majority of votes in the Electoral College, which won him the Presidency. Lincoln felt passionate about his country, the view on where his country was headed and used his political skills to spread his message, ultimately becoming president. (Abraham Lincoln biography) (Britannica) Perhaps Lincoln’s greatest achievement as a leader was preserving the union. It was his belief in a house divided cannot stand that led him towards presidency and preserved the United States of America. Before Lincoln became President, the country was in turmoil as to keep slavery or abolish it. It was an issue that was literally ripping this nation apart. Even before Lincoln took office, South Carolina had seceded from the union. The Southern states tried to put forth constitutional amendments’ that would guarantee slavery forever. Lincoln did not like what the southern states wanted to do, so he convinced all Republicans to vote against the measure which resulted in six more states leaving the union. The called themselves the Confederate States of America. Although Lincoln respected them for sticking to their values, heShow MoreRelatedEssay on Abraham Lincoln - the Greatest President1069 Words  | 5 PagesAbraham Lincoln There have been forty four U.S. presidents over the past two hundred and twenty years. What president has served the best for our country? None other than Abraham Lincoln. Abraham Lincoln is the greatest president ever because he did great things such as ending slavery, getting the us through the Civil War, and helped our country a lot. The American Civil War was a war between the Southern states and the Confederate states. 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